With Sport Australia’s 'Find your 30' campaign running since August, The Movember Foundation has launched a new community initiative to work alongside Sport Australia to raise funds and awareness for men’s health.

“Make your Move” will focus on physical activity by running or walking 60 kilometres over the month. 60 kilometres for the 60 men lost to suicide each hour, every hour.
The Movember Foundation has been committed to Men’s health since 2003 and now in its 15th year, has over 20 participating countries, over 5 million registered inspiring fund raisers, has delivered 1,200 men’s health projects and is committed to reducing the premature death of men by 25% by 2030.
You don’t have to be an elite athlete and you don’t have to have the latest branded shoes. It’s all about raising awareness and funds for a worthy cause. You can go solo, start a team or join a team. Talk to friends and family about donating and then get started to make a difference.
“Humility comes from knowing always that the work we do is as a result of our passionate and dedicated Movember community.”
– Owen Sharp, CEO Movember Foundation