Blacktown City Council has launched its ‘Drowning Prevention Strategy’ as part of its continuing commitment to provide a safe environment at its leisure and aquatic centres.
The Drowning Prevention Strategy brings together a number of ideas, programs and initiatives into one cohesive driver to achieve the safest possible aquatic environment. Blacktown City Mayor Tony Bleasdale OAM said ‘Drowning is the third leading cause of unintentional injury death worldwide, accounting for seven per cent of all injury-related deaths.
“Council’s Key Venues division is committed to offering award winning aquatic and leisure facilities and services to the community in a safe environment.
“This strategy not only highlights the initiatives that are currently implemented at our venues, but also establishes a clear path for the future goals of Blacktown City Council and Key Venues in maintaining safe environments for our community.
The strategy reinforces Blacktown Council’s commitment to water safety and preventable drowning through the strategic goals of:
Education, advocacy and support
Partnership and network building
Environment and technology.
Initiatives in the strategy include:
Pip’s Safe Summer - an educational pantomime and comic strip that launched in 2004 as Surfees Safe Summer and will be reinvented while retaining key water safety messages for preschool and school aged children
Aqua Learn to Swim – Council’s own learn to swim program launched in 2015 will continue to evolve and grow
Exploring the opportunity to expand the Poseidon Drowning Detection System currently in use at Blacktown Leisure Centre Stanhope to our other aquatic centres
The Key Venues lifejacket initiative – 400 lifejackets made available across our pools for free public use
Review of our multi-language safety signage as our communities evolve
Industry partnerships
For further information on Council’s Leisure and Aquatic Centres please visit