This position is current as at 2pm, Monday 15th February, 2021.
Our position must be considered against our remit as a national peak body, with a key focus on community safety, promoting first aid, pool lifeguard and swim teacher training, reducing drowning and promoting safe aquatic participation.
Royal Life Saving is providing advice on the impacts of the changes to the first aid units that are included in the aquatic industry skill sets and are referenced in the Guidelines for Safe Pool Operations (GSPO).
The position outlined below is based on consultation with key members and organisations within the aquatic industry and considers the impacts of the changes on training, employment, and the ongoing operations of the aquatic industry.
Summary of Changes:
On 15 October 2020 the unit of competency, ‘HLTAID001 Provide CPR’ was superseded by ‘HLTAID009 Provide CPR’.
On 15 October 2020 the unit of competency ‘HLTAID003 Provide First Aid’ was superseded by ‘HLTAID011 Provide First Aid’.
In both cases the new units were deemed non-equivalent.
It should be noted that under the Standard 1.26 a) of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 there is a (12) twelve-month transition period is in effect for all superseded units.
Swimming and Water Safety Program Supervisors
The Guideline for Safe Pool Operations, ‘SV2 Swimming and Water Safety and Aquatic Exercise Programs’ 1.4.1 states that ‘The employee supervising swimming and water safety programs at an Aquatic Facility should hold the following current competencies (or be able to demonstrate equivalent currency):
SISCAQU006 Supervise clients in aquatic locations
HLTAID001 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
HLTAID003 Provide first aid
SISCAQU202A - Perform basic water rescues.’
Royal Life Saving takes the position that for the purposes of working as a supervisor of swimming and water safety programs at an aquatic facility in Australia an individual requires either a current HLTAID001 or current HLTAID009 and a current HLTAID003 or current HLTAID011.
This position applies from 16 October 2020.
As per Safe Work Australia guidelines, a ‘current’ Provide CPR certificate is defined as having been issued within the last 12 months, and a ‘current’ Provide First Aid certificate is defined as having been issued within the last 3 years. This definition applies throughout this Position Statement document.
Swimming and Water Safety Teachers
The Guideline for Safe Pool Operations, ‘SV2 Swimming and Water Safety and Aquatic Exercise Programs’ 2.2.1 part a) states that a SWST ‘should hold current CPR certificate issued by an RTO’.
Royal Life Saving takes the position that for the purposes of working as a Swimming and Water Safety Teacher in Australia an individual requires either a current HLTAID001 or current HLTAID009.
This position applies from 16 October 2020.
Pool Lifeguards
HLTAID003 forms part of the SISSS00111 Pool Lifeguard skill set.
Royal Life Saving takes the position that for the purposes of working as a pool lifeguard in Australia an individual requires either a current HLTAID003 or current HLTAID011.
This position applies from 16 October 2020.
Royal Life Saving will work with the National Aquatic Industry Safety Committee to manage the appropriate amendments to the Guideline for Safe Pool Operations to reflect the interim positions outlined above.
For the Position Statement in PDF format please click here