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$16 billion of benefits from community sport infrastructure

Community sport infrastructure generates more than $16.2 billion worth of social, health and economic benefits each year, according to a landmark report.

Sport Australia, the Australian Government’s lead agency for sport and physical activity, has released The Value of Community Sport Infrastructure, a report produced in conjunction with KPMG and La Trobe University.

The report shows the impact and value of community sport infrastructure extends far beyond the cost of the facilities and delivers:

  • $6.3 billion worth of economic benefits, including construction, maintenance and operation

  • $5.1 billion of social benefits, including community cohesion and mental wellbeing, and;

  • $4.9 billion worth of health benefits due to promoting physical activity.

Sport Australia will manage the Australian Government’s $29.7million Community Sport Infrastructure grants program in 2018-19, launched today by Sports Minister Bridget McKenzie.

Sport Australia CEO Kate Palmer said The Value of Community Sport Infrastructurereport showed the broader impact this investment would have.

“Community sport infrastructure is an investment in healthier, happier communities and the value of these spaces is much more than just a place to play sport,” Palmer said.

“These facilities provide opportunities to inspire physical activity, supporting health and wellbeing, but they also serve as community hubs for broader activity. These facilities draw communities together for a broad range of events, enhancing social connectedness and community pride.”

“One of Sport Australia’s main priorities is to encourage more Australians to move more, so safe and inclusiveness of community sporting environments are essential.”

Sport and community organisations are able to apply for grants up to $500,000 to upgrade sporting infrastructure in 2018-19.

Applications open from today until 14 September 2018. For more information on the Community Sport Infrastructure grants program go to


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