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Tamworth to Open Two Seasonal Pools Despite High Level Drought Restrictions

Tamworth Regional Council has voted unanimously in favour of opening two of its seasonal swimming pools for the coming summer - the South and West Tamworth War Memorial Swimming (Scully Park) Pool and the Kootingal War Memorial Swimming Pool.

With the Council currently impacted by level four water restrictions and the town's primary water supply, Chaffey Dam, continuing to dry up, the seasonal pool openings will come at the expense of the Council's drought management plan which authorises water restrictions across the region.

Under its own level five restrictions, the Council is advised not to open any public pools.

At a Council meeting last night, Tamworth Deputy Mayor Phil Betts moved the amendment which called on the Council to open the pools after hearing the benefits each pool brings to their communities in hosting recreational activities, swimming saquads and learn-to-swim programs.

Estimating it would take about 8000 litres to fill each pool for the season, Councillor Betts said the pools would likely be filled with bore water.

While the drought affecting many parts of Australia may have slipped from the news headlines, communities such as that of the Tamworth region are facing austere water restrictions with Councils needing to find solutions to reduce water usage.

In 2011, Sydney Water released Best practice guidelines for water management in aquatic leisure centres.

Article courtesy of Australasian Leisure Management


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