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New Australian Standard for Liquefied Chlorine Gas

LIWA Steve Good, EO

An update of the Australian Standard AS2927:2019

The storage and handling of liquefied chlorine gas is standard has now been officially released.

The regulatory body DMIRS is yet to provide an interim period in which facilities are to be compliant by. We have estimated that it could be 2 years but will provide final confirmation once it has been advised. Auditing of facilities has already begun in some metro facilities which will include the new standards as part of that auditing if you have chlorine gas.

As mentioned before the interim period is yet to be advised so any non compliant items from the new standard that were not in the old standard would just provide you with guidance in the areas that will need to comply with before the end date is publicised.

As a bit of reference here is some feedback from a facility in the metro region that was audited recently.

They utilised the new standard for their inspection and were extremely thorough. The key areas they focused on were:

• Chlorine room including storage of drums, regulators, shutdown system, sensors, how often are the sensors checked, tube condition including security, signage on exterior to room, cleanliness of drum store

• Shutdown system including the technology utilised and weekly test checklist

• Signage on exterior relating to dry and liquid chemical storage and compliance

• Breathing Apparatus availability onsite including checks of equipment and training compliance

• Each plant room injection point including isolation points built into gas pipeline available within plant room, isolation at site of dosing system, plant room sensors, pipework markings including colour and wording on pipework related to chlorine gas distribution or chlorine solution return to pool line

• External maintenance checks lists including monthly gas servicing and quarterly (also requested date of when chlorine tubing was last replaced)

• Venue’s Emergency Management Plan and SDS

• Site manifests for DFES (site plans, DG on site, utility isolation points and hydrant locations)

• Procedure and Operations Manual processes for chlorine gas including; Breathing Apparatus; delivery method; connection/ disconnection, weekly checks

• Record of staff training

• Communication provided to neighbours including residential informing of DG onsite

I hope this gives you some guidance on areas that you should be working on to ensure compliance with the New Standard if you are to be audited in the coming year or so.

Please contact Steve Good or Chris Blankley if you have any questions relating to the New Standards.


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