Masters Swimming NSW (MSNSW), in conjunction with Goulburn Mulwaree Council, are hosting an Adult Swim Technique Clinic at the Goulburn Aquatic and Leisure Centre on Sunday 16th June, 2019.
While the Aquatics Industry is often considered to focus primarily on teaching children, there is growing recognition of the importance of adult learn to swim programs.
Goulburn Aquatic and Leisure Centre will offer local swimmers aged 18 years or older the opportunity to learn a new stroke, perfect an old one or simply learn how to swim. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask for feedback on the how and why of swimming techniques.
The coaching clinic will be run by MSNSW’s Coaching Project Head, Anne Smyth with a specific Breaststroke clinic to be run by Masters Swimming Ambassador, Tony Goodwin who holds multiple world records in the stroke.
The free Clinics have been developed to cater for all levels of swimming and encourage those more tentative, would-be swimmers to give the sport a go. More experienced swimmers in attendance will have the chance for a Masters Coach to cast an eye over their technique and answer any questions.
“MSNSW hasn’t held an event like this before, this is an initiative provided by Goulburn Mulwaree Council partnering with us,” said MSNSW Administrator, Jillian Pateman.
“Our experience in attracting new members to Masters Swimming is often hampered by adults actually wanting to learn, yet they do not have the confidence to join an adult club because they feel they are simply not good enough.
“There is an obvious gap that we are trying to fill with these clinics, as our 50 clubs around NSW do not provide lessons and swim schools, and we find that adults have quite different needs than junior swimmers.
“The clinic will consist of 30 minute specialised sessions between 10am and 2pm, “We hope the classes will be fairly individualised depending on swimmers needs. Some participants are asking for specific help in certain strokes so we will group these together.
“Learn to swim classes and coaching will run concurrently and a lunch break will allow participants to interact with the coaches and fellow participants. We will be encouraging partakers to continue their learning curve with the local swim club or swim schools.”
For more information on the MSNSW Adult Swim Technique Clinic go to www.goulburnaustralia.com.au
Article courtesy of Australasian Leisure