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Council Proposes refurbishment of Austinmer Bathers Pavilion

Wollongong City Council is proposing to renew the ageing pavilion building at Austinmer Beach and is seeking community comment.

The council are asking the community for feedback on the proposed works which include a new unisex accessible amenity. The severely deteriorated concrete elements will also be repaired, extending the life of the building, and the building will undergo an overall refurbishment with new fixtures and fittings installed.

The proposal is part of the Beach Access and Foreshore Strategy. Installing an amenity at Austinmer Beach to meet contemporary access standards will ensure people with disability can enjoy the many recreational opportunities the pools, beach and broader precinct provides.

Wollongong City Lord Mayor Councillor Gordon Bradbery AM noted “Our Beach Access and Foreshore Strategy lists the Austinmer precinct as one of our priority areas for improvements which will mean people with disability, their families and friends can better use this space.

“The Strategy also identifies Austinmer as a priority area for beach matting to assist people to get down on to the beach using a beach wheelchair. This has been installed and the revised proposal for the amenities building is the next step for increasing access for everyone to this popular spot.’’

The proposed improvements are:

  • An accessible amenity, with toilet, shower and an adult change table

  • Concrete repairs to the external and internal walls, roof slab and balustrade. The durability of the building will be improved using a cathodic protection system

  • Replacing the existing lightweight roofs at the north and south ends of the building with new roof framing and sheeting

  • Repainting the building inside and outside, and an epoxy floor coating installed inside

  • New toilets, showers (without doors), fixtures and fittings will be installed. New hooks will also be provided.Repair and painting of the beach seats

  • There will be no changes to the internal layout of the building other than the insertion of the accessible amenity (with access through the front wall) and the relocation of some showers

  • A new concrete topping will be added to address the internal water pooling issue along the eastern side of the building

  • The existing noticeboard will be removed during refurbishment and reinstalled on the eastern wall.

Work is planned to start on the refurbishment after Anzac Day 2020.

The placement of the accessible toilet and change facilities was considered in terms of any heritage impacts to the façade of the building and meeting standards for access. Council proposes that the best location is in the centre of the building to allow equal access. This will require the removal of a small section of existing seating.

Paint colours are the same as those displayed to the community in council’s initial consultation and are sympathetic to the Surf Club building and Boat Shed.

Local heritage listing of the building is still being considered and will be part of the city-wide review of the heritage schedule in the Local Environmental Plan next year.

For more information please visit the Have Your Say website

Article Courtesy of Australasian Leisure Management

For further information please click here


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