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A Record 57th Season for Gawler Aquatic Centre

The Town of Gawler’s Gawler Aquatic Centre opens today for its 57th season.

The facility, located at Victoria Terrace in the South Australian town, continues to be a popular venue for swimming lessons, carnivals, birthday parties, squad, lap and recreational swimming having enjoyed record overall attendances and another successful year for the learn-to-swim program during 2018/19.

Looking forward to the new season, Gawler Mayor Karen Redman stated “last season resulted in record overall attendances and another successful year for the Learn to Swim program.”

Building on last season's success, the Centre undertook further upgrades in the offseason that included tiling repairs on the 50 metre and learn-to-swim pools, electrical upgrades to plant rooms and the purchase and replacement of commercial pool cleaner for the main pool.

For the new season, the Council has been successful in obtaining a Sport Australia grant to upgrade the change room and first aid facilities at the Centre.

The total project cost will be $594,455 with Council's contribution of $185,000 ($130,000 cash, $55,000 in-kind). Planning is well underway with works to commence during the 2020 off-season.

The Centre's will also be offering its award winning, AUSTSWIM accredited learn-to-swim program which continues to grow each season.

Article Courtesy of Australasian Leisure


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